Flu Vaccines 2023/2024

It is Flu season again!

We have clinics running on the following dates at the practice:-

Saturday 16th September 8am – 4pm- strictly over 65’s only (as this will be the only vaccine delivered by this date)

Saturday 23rd September 8am – 4pm – any aged eligible patient

Saturday 30th September 8am- 2pm – any aged eligible patient

Text message and email invites have been sent out to eligible patients.

If you have not been invited and think you are eligible for a free vaccine then please contact the surgery or ask us when you next come in.

*Please note we will only be able to offer Flu vaccinations at these clinics due to the volume of patients attending. Information on Autumn Covid boosters will be available shortly.

Please see the links below for more information.

NHS information on flu

Flu who should have it and why

Easy read flu info

Protect you child against flu