
Booking an Appointment

You can make an appointment with the Doctor, Nurse or HCA by:
  • Phoning the surgery 01335 360328
  • Coming to reception and booking in person. 

Your Appointment

  • Routine appointments can normally be booked in advance.
  • Urgent appointment are available on the day by phoning after 08:00. 
  • We offer a choice of telephone or face to face appointments where possible. 
  • We try to honour your appointment “type” preference but have restrictions to the number of appointment types available each day.  (For instance this could be due to some practitioners working remotely or locum contractual limits.)        
  • The Receptionist will ask you some details about your symptoms as they use their experience and knowledge to try and book you the most suitable appointment available.   
  • Please make an appointment for each member of the family that needs to be seen.
  • Appointments are normally ten minute slots, so if you have a complicated problem, or more than one problem, please ask for an extended appointment.
  • We try to keep to time, but please be patient if we are running a little behind.

You have a right to express a preference for the practitioner and we will do our best to give you an appointment with the Doctor of your choice.  Should your preferred Doctor not have a free appointment you will be offered an appointment with one of the other GPs in the practice.

You will never be refused to see a Doctor if one is available. If you no longer need your appointment please let us know as soon as possible.


Click here 

The practice will close at lunchtime on Wednesday 10th July for staff training. The dispensary will close at 12pm and the practice will close at 1pm. We reopen as normal on Thursday 11th. For medical assistance when we are closed the following options are available……please call NHS 111 or visit 111 online for symptom management advice. For urgent medication issues click here.